HAPADS presentation at PG OPEN
21st of March 2024, Gdańsk University of Technology, ETI Faculty
During PG OPEN, employees of the Gdańsk University of Technology have answered questions about the educational offer, recruitment process, scholarships, dormitories, etc. The main information point was located in the Main Building [no. 1 on the campus map] in the hall in front of the PG Library. Consultation points of individual departments also operates here. In turn, the courtyards named after Jan Heweliusz and Daniel G. Fahrenheit in the Main Building was occupied by the Forum of Student Organizations and Clubs (FOKA). There were 43 exhibitors who talked about their activities and presented chemical inventions and experiments. Competitions and other attractions were also planned. One of them was the presentation of HAPADS project.
HAPADS seminar
18th of March 2024, Gdańsk University of Technology, ETI Faculty, auditory NE308
Open public seminar organized by the Department of Microelectronic Systems, ETI, GUT (PG): "On Field Calibration of Low-Cost NO2 and Particulate Matter Sensors for Reliable Air Pollution Monitoring" presenting the selected results of the HAPADS project.
HAPADS meeting
11th of March 2024, Krakow
The meeting was attended by R&D department employees from the following companies:
- Nordic Semiconductors
- Aptiv
- Advanced Diagnostic Equipment
HAPADS results and platforms were presented during the meeting.
HAPADS meeting at Wrocław University of Science and Technology
7th March 2024
On March 7, 2024, during the annual meeting of the Coffee Break student organization at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (WUST), Krystian Wojtkiewicz, PhD, introduced the Highly Accurate and Autonomous Programmable Platform for Providing Air Pollution Data Services to Drivers and the Public (HAPADS). This groundbreaking project, a collaborative effort involving the Department of Applied Informatics (KIS) at WUST and five other entities from Poland and Norway, was funded by Norway Grants.
Over three years, KIS employees developed a novel system for predicting air pollution in urban environments. The presentation was further enriched by contributions from Filip Litwinienko and Jakub Mikłasz, who discussed their experience in enhancing the project. HAPADS aims to provide real-time, precise air quality data that benefits drivers and the general public.
HAPADS presentation
5-6 March 2024, AmberExpo hall, Gdańsk, Poland
2. education careers fair EDU OFFSHORE WIND, Innovative career paths for students
- Steeing Committee meeting #12: 28th of February 2024 (on-line):
- Voting on the agreement to sign an annex with NCBiR regarding the budget change proposal.
- Steeing Committee meeting #11: 29th of January 2024 (Tromso and on-line):
- HAPADS summary - current state of the project, next steps (GUT)
- ASIC presentation WP1 (GUT)
- WP2 - HAPADS platform deployed in the city (GUT)
- Cost-efficient Vehicular Edge Computing Deployment for Mobile Air Pollution Monitoring (UiT)
- The gas-sensing results fo the HAPADS platforms (AGH)
- Development of GSM/LTE/DCS sticket antenna for HAPADS platform - WP2 (GUT)
- NILU presentation
- Discussion on ASIC detector (WP1)
- Tour and presentation of the Department of Computer Science and UiT
- Steeing Committee meeting #10: 19th of January 2024 (on-line):
Voting on the budget change proposal.
- Steeing Committee meeting #9: 18th of December 2023 (on-line):
Project general matters and plans for changes in the budget.
Technical issues regarding project progress in WP1-WP5 (as in regular HAPADS bi-weekly meeting).
- Steeing Committee meeting #8: 3rd of July 2023, at 9:00 (Gdańsk, GUT):
- Coffee
- HAPADS summary - current state of the project, next steps (GUT)
- ASIC presentation WP1 (GUT team)
- WP2 - HAPADS platforms deployed in the city (GUT)
- Coffee break
- NILU, UiT, AGH and PWR presentations
- Lunch
- Tour and presentation of the Department of Microelectronic Systems at GUT
- Continuation of the presentations, discussions
- Dinner
- Steeing Committee meeting #7: 13th of March 2023, at 9:00 (Oslo, NILU):
- Pick up guests from security gate
- NILU and Digital introduction
- HAPADS summary
- Report progress
- HAPADS increase funding
- GUT team & AGH team: WP1 - NO2 sensor
- GUT team: WP2 - HAPADS platform, optimization of radio connectivity
- PWR and UiT: WP3
- Lunch
- PHOTOS + NILU tour
- HAPADS platform demonstration
- NILU /UiT: WP4
- EU project opportunities
- DINNER in the restaurant in Lillestrom sentrum
- Steeing Committee meeting #6: 31th of January 2023, at 15:00 (on-line):
- Voting on extending the HAPADS project by 6 months
- Steeing Committee meeting #5: 12th of September 2022, at 9:00 (Gdańsk, GUT):
- Partners' presentations of the current results,
- Coffee break
- Presentations (cont.), discussions about the progress and the next steps,
- Coffee break
- Steering committee meeting
- Lunch
- Steeing Committee meeting #4: 21st of June 2022, at 9:00 (on-line):
- Partners' presentations of the current results, discussions about the progress and the next steps
- Lunch
- Presentations (cont.), steering committee meeting
- Steeing Committee meeting #3: 31st of January 2022, at 13:00 (on-line):
- Introduction, agenda update
- Presentation of the current results.
- Information about the reports (financial + technical) required by NCBiR
- Open issues and discussion
- Steeing Committee meeting #2: 27th of September 2021, at 14:00 (Oslo, NILU):
- General information
- Current status of the project – partner's presentations
- Open issues and discussion
- HAPADS meeting: 27-28 Sept. 2021 at Oslo, NILU.
- The National Centre for Research and Development organized „Project Kick-off Conference” for projects funded within the Programme ‘Applied Research’, EEA and Norway Grants. The event has been held online on 14.06.2021. Presentation of HAPADS project from this conference is here.
- Steeing Committee meeting #1: 30th of March 2021, at 13:00 (online):
- Correction to the Work Packages' start and end dates.
- Transfer of funds between Work Packages and categories (within partners' budgets).
- Schedule of the advance payments.
- Technical report/Deliverables/Milestones
- Formal issues
- Partners' presentations (GUT/NILU/UiT/AGH/PWr/LESS)
- Open issues and discussion
- Kick off meeting: 30.11.2020 (on-line)
- Meetings of WP1 PM Sensor group: Monday at 13:00, every 2 weeks, starting from 26.10.2020.
- Meeting of WP1 NO2 Sensor group: from January 2021.
- Current architecture of Mobile Platform:
- HAPADS Objective:
- Monitoring Platform requirements (from project proposal!):
- high accuracy R2 > 0.91 for multi-pollutant detection,
- low cost <500EUR,
- compact size 20cmx20cmx10cm,
- pollutant detection 5-800 μg/m3 for NO2
- 1 to 10um for PMs (PM10, PM2.5, PM1)
- self-calibration, self-optimization to balance quality vs. energy
- Monitoring Platform requirements (from project proposal!):