About us

Project Promotor: Gdańsk University of Technology

Partners from Poland: 

Partners from Norway:

The HAPADS consortium has the unique expertise to accomplish HAPADS ambitious but realistic goals. The consortium unites Polish and Norway experts in complementary disciplines including nanoelectronics (Gdańsk University of Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology), computer science (Wrocław University of Science and Technology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway), air quality instrumentation, urban air quality research and meteorology (NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research), prototype fabrication, sensor deployment, and data collection (LESS Industries).  As a result, HAPADS ambitious objectives are feasible as HAPADS novel concepts are built on the preliminary results from HAPADS partners’ previous and current international and national research projects (e.g., EU ICT project EXCESS (2013-2016), EU FP7 CITI-SENSE (2012-2016), NordForsk Nordic Centre of Excellence eSTICC (2016 - 2019), KBN project: FPGA and ASIC (Application-specific integrated circuit) Sensor Networks (2006-2009), NCN project-Efficient Optimization of Expensive Simulation Models (2016-2020).